Time for a change…..

….in content. I think I’ll take a little break from all of the nature photography I posted here lately. This is not the best time of year for nature photography where I live, so I haven’t been out much amongst the flora and fauna lately. Well, truthfully, I haven’t been out amongst anything lately. That’s another story for another day. Now, back to the photos.

My wife and I were out running some errands and dinner. While driving through a shopping center parking lot, my wife spotted an old car at the edge of the lot. when I looked i saw this massive old Cadillac and had to check it out. It turned out to be a Cadillac that a restaurant in the shopping center previously had hanging over it’s entrance. Why it was taken down I don’t know but the car was sitting on some kind of blocks. They did take the time to park it well centered in it’s space though. I had my Leica M9 with me and grabbed a few shots. The afternoon light was a bit harsh so I shot what I could realizing the conditions were not ideal but the car may not be there much longer.

I used the M9 and my 50mm Summicron v3 for both of these shots. Even though the car was red, and I love red subjects, black and white seemed more fitting for these particular shots, considering the harsh light.

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