Tag: photo

My favorite photo from 2021

Generally, if I end up with one or two “good” photos in a year I am happy. I try not to be one of those people who show every photo they take. I really do try to self edit as much as possible. Sometimes one gets through that I later think, “meh, shouldn’t have shown that one”. Other times my…

Ten Years Gone

Ten Years Gone. Besides being one of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs, it’s also the amount of time I have had this blog! My first post was an introduction of the start of my 365 photo project for 2011. I always wanted to do a 365 project and I was laid off from work at the time, so I thought…

Let it snow!

Ah yes, the snow has returned to WordPress!! It’s the most wonderful time of year! To add to the delight, I believe this photo I shot today has that light, snowy feel to it, even though it’s a weed. A dandelion in December! I haven’t done much macro work this year, most likely because I haven’t owned a macro lens since June.…

Buildings, new and old

I haven’t posted in quite a while so I thought I would show a couple of recently shot building photos. The first is a newly constructed office building in a suburban office park. The late afternoon clouds looked so good I couldn’t resist. The empty parking lot helped to balance out with the sky. Color was the word here. The other…

Fat man in the bathtub

And I’m sure he would have the blues if he was in this tub. Just another one of the many old bathtubs found throughout rural areas. This particular one has a spring emptying into it, most likely used for cattle at some point. I can’t show this photo without some Little Feat

Not a poet and I know it

Enough haiku silliness, time to get back to normal photography. I’m starting off spring with a nice texturally image of old wood and black rubber. I was drawn to this scene because of the old tire that the tree grew around. Although you can’t see it in this photo that is a real 15′ tree, with branches and everything, that the…

People who need people

I have been looking at a lot of photography lately. And I mean a LOT!  It is my season to enter competitions and, in turn, reviewing the results of past competitions. The one thing I noticed is that judges really like photos with a human element. That’s really great considering I rarely have any people in my photographs. Probably because…

Man of few words

That’s me. Tonight at least. I shall resume later. For now a pretty picture.