Month: November 2011

365-334 Wired

Just one of those days. I was working all day, stuck high on a hill with blowing snow and exceptionally cold wind. And mud, lots of mud. It wasn’t pleasant. So when I had time to take a photo I didn’t feel like venturing out too far. And there’s nothing better on a day like this then to take a photo…

365-333 Just a quick one today

Detail of an old abandoned house…hmm, that seems like a familiar subject. OK, I won’t win any awards for breaking out of my comfort zone today. 😉 But I did like the colors presented here and besides I didn’t feel like running around too much today, I had to fix my furnace. But it’s good now, I’m warm, and this…

365-332 Some time in the digital darkroom

As my 365 project is winding down I find that I’m wanting to experiment more with image processing. I mean, it is digital, I’m not trying to fool anybody that I’m out there shooting Velvia. With the exception of my textured images, most photos I try to process rather straightforward. Occasionally I’ll veer off the chart when I want a…

365-331 It’s just a door

Yet I had a tough time deciding between the two pictures of it for my 365 shot. On one side I like the close-up detail of the handle and lock, although I’ve done plenty of those kind of detail shots before. And on the other hand I like the interior lights of the other shot. To me it has better…

365-330 A few from around town

Had some time to take a few quick shots around town today. I processed these with a warm vintage color look mostly because it seemed to work with the first shot, so I kept with the consistency for the rest. During processing, I went back and forth between color and black and white for these and I still think the B&W is stronger for a few of them. But…

365-329 How much is that zebra?

When I see a zebra in the window of an urban store, I’m thinking “hmm, there’s a picture.” Unfortunately when a zebra is in the window, it probably isn’t alive. It wasn’t. The store ended up being a soon to be opened taxidermy shop. Lots of cool animals “hanging around” but the reflections and glare on the windows made it…

365-328 It’s in the reds

I hope everyone is having a happy Thanksgiving in the USA. As promised, I’ll be short today with the text. These are just a couple shots I took while running to the store this morning (I seem to be always running to the store on Thanksgiving). They are very dissimilar photos but the common thread, of course, is the color red.…

365-327 ’tis the season

The last time my blog was featured in Freshly Pressed, I didn’t have a photo yet for the day after I realized I was getting lots of exposure. I felt pressured to give the new visitors something worthy to view. I think I did OK at that time and eventually things settled back to normal. Well I’ve been featured again…

365-326 Wet and wild

Wild color that is. Another one of my “shoot through a rainy window” photos. This is a roll of color coded conduit or fiber optic cable at a construction area. I didn’t have to work today because of the rain yet I still ended up taking a construction photo! In this case the “construction site” is a large office/manufacturing/retail/golfing/dining/etc. complex that is…

365-325 Can’t be satisfied

This is a rose at my neighbor’s house. It’s the last one remaining of the season, still hanging in there. I didn’t want such a tight crop but there were too many distractions in the background which wouldn’t have helped the photo any. So I went with a close-up and add a few textures in post. I compared the straight and…